Mindful Toad

Updated June 30, 2024

I’m an uncle to 4 nephews and 2 nieces, godfather, 5K runner, minimalist, and writer. I’ve been practicing meditation since July 2017.

Michigan native, I now live in Greenville, South Carolina.

From 2013 to 2017, I traveled a lot: Chicago, Hawaii, Austin, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Spain, Plovdiv, Belgrade, Budapest, Prague, Dublin, and Mexico. I lived in Miami Beach from March 2020 to September 2023 and moved to Greenville—my forever home—in November 2023.

This website is the home to all of my writing and projects. I’ll be mostly writing about meditation, running, and minimalism. I may also touch on remote work, psychology, money, software, productivity, philosophy, health, travel, Bitcoin, and hiking.


Below are photos of me in various places around the world. From left to right:

  1. Wearing a frog hat inside my childhood home that my parents still reside in.
  2. Being affectionate with a horse on the carousel in Disney World.
  3. A spontaneous portrait taken by my sister, a wedding photographer, on the beach in Marco Island.
  4. In Oahu, Hawaii, at the bottom of Koko Head, my favorite hike in the world.
  5. Looking out at a smaller island from the beach of Nha Trang, Vietnam.

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Frog Hat Selfie Disney world Carousel Marco Island Portrait Koko Head 2014 Nha Trang

Free will is an illusion. All thoughts appear from the ether.

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